Benefits Of Speaking In Tongues Extensively

A lot of people in the body of Christ are familiar with mental prayers. Praying in tongues is a supernatural way of speaking to God. When you pray in tongues, your spirit and not your mind is the one doing the prayers. Paul said he prayed in tongues more than the whole corinthian church. That shows that there are blessings embeded in praying in tongues. Some of these blessings are:

1. It help us to pray according to the perfect will of God. It is only the prayer you pray according to God’s will that He hears. When you pray in other tongues, the HolySpirit is the one giving you the utterances and He help us to pray in accordance to God’s will.

2. It enhances and stimulates our faith. Speaking in tongues requires your faith in the Word of God. You know that you are not speaking rubbish because the Word said so and you know that you are speaking to God because that is what the Word said. If you continue to exercise your faith this way by speaking in tongues, your faith will be further enhanced.

3. It help us to pray about the unknown things which are necessary. Our minds are limited in wisdom and knowledge concerning some certain issues. But the HolySpirit knows all things and He help us to pray about these unknown cases by granting us utterances as we speak them out in tongues. For example, if you are to pray about a need, you can only ask God to meet your needs. But at times you don’t know the forces hindering you and you won’t be able to pray about them effectively when you pray with your mind alone.

4. It builds up your spiritman and make you to be more conscious of the HolySpirit. When you pray in tongues, it is your spirit apart from your mind that is doing the prayer. Thus, your spirit is edified and built up thereby making you to grow and mature spiritually. The HolySpirit gives the utterances when we speak in tongues, therefore we become more conscious of Him as we speak extensively in tongues.

5. It opens you up to the mysteries of God and it is the doorway to the other gifts of the Spirit. Your spirit is more active than your mind while speaking in tongues. This way, your spirit is connected to God and the HolySpirit imparts His wisdom and knowledge upon your spirit. Hidden secrets of God are revealed when we engage our spiritman by praying in tongues.

Some Christains don’t pray in tongues while some speak some few words in tongues. But the Spirit of God is calling us higher to this highest form of prayer where we spend extended period before God praying in tongues. Then we can say like paul; “I thank my God that i speak in tongues more than you all”.

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